The project "TANGRA" (TAgged Neutrons and Gamma RAys) is devoted to study of neutron-nuclear interactions, using the tagged neutron method (TNM).  The essence of TNM is to register the characteristic nuclear gamma-radiation, resulting from the interaction of neutrons from the binary d(t, 4He)n reaction with the nuclei of the substances under study, in coincidence with the accompanying alpha-particles detected by the position-sensitive alpha detector located inside the neutron generator vacuum chamber.



VNIIA (Moscow, Russia)
Diamant LLC, Dubna, Russia
SINP-MSU (Moscow, Russia)
INRNE-BAS (Sofia, Bulgaria)
IC-ASM (Chisinau, Moldova)
IGGP-ANAS (Baku, Azerbaijan)
DP-Banaras Hindu University (Varanasi, India)
SEPE, Xi’an Jiaotong University (China)
Alexandria University (Egypt)
University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
Ruđer Bošković Institute (Zagreb, Croatia)

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I. TANGRA Setups

Multidetector, multipurpose, multifunctional, mobile systems, to study the characteristics of the products from the nuclear reaction induced by 14 MeV tagged neutrons. TANGRA Setups consist of a portable generator of “tagged” neutrons with energies of 14.1 MeV, ING-27, with or without an iron shield-collimator, 2D fast neutron beam profilometer, arrays of neutron-gamma detectors in geometry of daisy-flower (Romashka, Romasha, HPGe), and a computerized system for data acquisition and analysis (DAQ).

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NaI(Tl) Romashka


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Number of NaI(Tl) detectors: 22
NaI(Tl) crystals: hexagonal prism (78 x 90 x 200 mm)
PMT type: Hamamatsu R1306
Gamma-ray Energy-resolution ~ 7.2% @ 0.662 MeV
Gamma-ray Energy-resolution ~ 3.6% @ 4.437 MeV
Gamma-ray Time-resolution ~ 3.8ns @ 4.437 MeV


BGO Romasha

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Number of BGO detectors: 18
BGO crystals: cylinder (76 x 65 mm)
PMT type: Hamamatsu R1307
Gamma-ray Energy-resolution ~ 10.4% @ 0.662 MeV
Gamma-ray Energy-resolution ~ 4.0% @ 4.437 MeV
Gamma-ray Time-resolution ~ 4.1ns @ 4.437 MeV


HPGe Romasha

 TANGRA-HPGe-Setup.png - 459.61 kB

Number of HPGe detectors: 1
Type: Ortec®GMX 30-83-PL-S, f57.5 x 66.6 mm
Gamma-ray Energy-resolution ~ 3.4% @ 0.662 MeV
Gamma-ray Energy-resolution ~ 0.3% @ 4.437 MeV
Gamma-ray Time-resolution ~ 6.1 ns @ 4.4437MeV


II. Science

  • Neutron Induced Nuclear Reaction Characteristics:
    Neutron-Nuclear Reactions theory
    Nuclear Astrophysics (Fusion in Tokamak and Stars)
    Neutron-Nuclear Reactions in Advance Reactors
  • Elemental and Isotopic Composition of materials
    Nuclear Forensics (Explosives, Drugs, Fissile Materials)
    Art, Archeology, Mining (Diamonds, Coke)
    Nuclear Geophysics and Planetology (Water on Mars)
    Neutron Imaging, Radiography and Tomography
    Neutron-Nuclear Medicine (Cancer treatment)
  •  Methodical Research
    Detectors for use in intense neutron fields
    Algorithms for the analysis of experimental data


III. Contacts

TANGRA collaboration,                   tangra.collaboration@
Leader: Y.N. Kopatch,                     kopatch@
Deputy: V.M. Bystrytsky,                 bystvm@
Coordinator: I.N. Ruskov,                ivan.n.ruskov@
Address: Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNF), Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Joliot Curie str. 6, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia


*Testing mode