Meeting agenda:

  1. Approval of the results of the competition of FLNP scientific and methodological works.
  2. Elections for scientific positions:

    2.1. Chief researcher, DNICM FLNP.  Candidate for the position: V.L.  Aksenov.

    2.2. Group leader, SNAAAR DNP FLNP.  Candidate for the position: D.S.  Grozdov.

    2.3. Junior researcher, SNAAAR DNP FLNP.  Candidate for the position: D. Abdusamadzoda.

    2.4. Group leader, IREN, FLNP. Candidate for the position: A.Yu.  Dmitriev.

    2.5. Researcher, IREN, FLNP.  Candidate for the position: O.E.  Chepurchenko.

  1. Miscellaneous.


All interested employees are invited.