V.R. Skoy "Neutron spin-filter with spin-exchange interaction of 3He nuclei and the atoms of a saturated ferromagnetic" [pdf 1] [pdf 2] [video]
A. Zontikov. 05.10.2022. "Precise method for measuring soil carbon" [Видео]
A.S. Doroshkevich. 21.09.2022. "The results of the work of the EG-5 group for 2022" [Видео]
V.R. Skoy. 12.10.2022. "About a possible test of T-invariance in a measurement of neutron-nuclear total cross sections with a usage of "Polarization-Asymmetry" theorem" [pdf]
Phan Luong Tuan. 19.10.22. "ION BEAM ANALYSIS REPORTS IN THE GROUP "INSTALLATION OF EG-5" in 2022" [видео]