Meeting agenda:

Report on the theme "Development of experimental facilities for condensed matter investigations with beams of the IBR facility" for 2018-2020 and a proposal for opening a new theme "Scientific and methodological research and developments for condensed matter investigations with IBR-2 neutron beams" for 2021-2025. 

Speaker: S.A.  Kulikov

Project activity report on "Development of PTH sample environment system for the DN-12 diffractometer at the IBR-2 facility".

Speaker: A.N. Chernikov

Project activity report on "Development of a wide-aperture backscattering detector BSD for the HRFD diffractometer" and a proposal for opening a new project "Construction of a wide-aperture backscattering detector (BSD) for the HRFD diffractometer" for 2021-2023. 

Speaker: V.V.  Kruglov

Report on the theme "Current trends and developments in the field of Raman microspectrometry and photoluminescence for condensed matter research" and the project "Ultrasensitive microspectroscopy SECARS and luminescent nanostructures of the core-shell".  Proposal for the extension of the theme and opening a new project "Biophotonics" for 2021-2023

Speaker: G.M.  Arzumanyan

Elections for the position of junior researcher, Raman spectroscopy sector, FLNP.¶ Candidate for the position: M.Yu.  Vorobyeva.

Elections for the position of senior researcher, DNICM FLNP. Candidate for the position: T.N.  Vershinina.


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