"The current state of the study of Photon Strength Functions. Experiment and analysis of the 195Pt (n, xγ) reaction"

N.V.Simbirtseva,V.I Furman

The information about Photon Strength Function (PSF) and Nuclear Level Density (NLD) is necessary for quantitative calculations in nuclear astrophysics, for the development of nuclear reactors and effective methods for the disposal of nuclear waste. There are several methods to getting information about PSF and NLD. One of them is the measurement of the energy spectra of the multiplicity of   γ -quanta emitted after the capture of thermal and resonance neutrons. In recent years, such kinds of measurements have been carried out with a DANCE 4π-γ calorimeter (consisting of 160 BaF2 scintillation detectors) at the Los Alamos Center for Neutron Research. In this work, the γ -ray energy spectra for different multiplicities x from the 195Pt (n,xγ) reactions produced by resonance neutrons were analyzed within the framework of a standard statistical model using the DICEBOX code and various models of PSF and NLD. The results of this analysis will be presented at the workshop.




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