The first meeting of the User Committee of the IBR-2 neutron source was organized at FLNP on 24 of February and took place via videoconference. The User Committee of the IBR-2 neutron source has recently been established to increase the user activity related to the interactions with the FLNP, giving support to both specific and general user questions, and with the aim to provide a discussion forum for the benefit of the users. The IBR-2 User Committee proposes new strategic ideas and procedures to the FLNP Directorate with the ultimate goal to improve the quality and efficiency of the organizational issues related to the user operation at the IBR-2.

Delegates from Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Armenia and Spain have taken part on this first meeting of the User Committee and the FLNP directorate. The agenda of this meeting included the introduction of the User committee members and of the FLNP directorate, followed by a discussion on further steps of the development of the IBR-2 instruments & infrastructure, ways to improve users’ satisfaction and to a general success of neutron science at IBR-2. During this first meeting, some questions concerning organization of the neutron scattering experiments, as well as future plans and ideas were discussed in detail. From now on meeting of the User Committee will be organized on regular basis.


The list of participants of the meeting was the following:

IBR-2 User Committee members

Almasy Laszlo (Centre for Energy Research. Budapest, Hungary).

Ewa Juszyńska-Gałązka (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. Krakow, Poland).

Georgiev Peter (University of Sofia. Sofia, Bulgaria).

Wojciech Zając (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. Krakow, Poland. & Representative of Polish neutron scattering community).

José María Porro Azpiazu (BCMaterials & IKERBASQUE. Bilbao, Spain).

Vachagan Harutyunyan (A.Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory. Yerevan, Republic of Armenia).

Viktor Petrenko (BCMaterials & IKERBASQUE. Bilbao, Spain).


FLNP directorate

Shvetsov Valery (Director).

Vinogradov Aleksander (Chief Engineer).

Lychagin Egor (Deputy Director).

Chudoba Dorota (Scientific Secretary & Head of User Policy).

Kucerka Norbert (Deputy Director).

Kozlenko Denis (Head of the DNICM Department).

Culicov Otilia (Deputy Director).

Bodnarchuk Viktor (Head of the DSC Department).

Lensky Igor (Assistant Director).