Meeting agenda:

Discussion of proposals on the nomination of scientific works for the FLNP competition for 2020 under the section "competition of scientific works in condensed matter physics”

  • Cycle of works "Complexation and biological activity of fullerenes in solutions"

Authors from FLNP JINR: Avdeev M.V., Aksenov V.L., Chudoba Dorota, Nagornaya T.V., Tropin T.V., Ivankov A.I., Kuzmenko M.O.

Third-party authors: Kizima E.A., Bulavin L.A.


  • Neutron scattering in studies of functional iron-based alloys (Fe-Ga, Fe-Al, etc.)

Authors from FLNP JINR: Balagurov A.M.

Third Party Authors: Golovin I.S.


  • Cycle of works "Investigation of the impact of high pressure on the crystal and magnetic structure of topologically frustrated complex cobalt oxides"

Authors from FLNP JINR: Kozlenko D.P., Golosova N.O., Kichanov S.E., Lukin E.V., Rutkauskas A.V., Savenko B.N.


  • On the origin of the abnormal behavior of the properties of lipid membranes in the immediate vicinity of the phase transition of melting chains

Authors from FLNP JINR:  Kuklin A.I., Gordely V.I.


  • Can the shapes of isothermal calorimetric curves indicate structural changes in micellar aggregates?

Authors from FLNP JINR: Katarzhina Ludzik, Andrey Rogachev,  Kuklin A.I.

Third Party Authors: Sebastian Voloschuk, Monika Jazdzewska, Anna Zavisha, Malgorzata Južwiak


  • Revealing the structure of composite aqueous dispersions of nanodiamond-graphene oxide by small-angle scattering

Authors from FLNP JINR: Tomchuk A.V., Avdeev M.V., Ivankov A.I., Soloviev D.V., Kuklin A.I., Aksenov V.L.

Third-party authors: Dideikin A.T., Vul A.Ya., Aleksensky A.E., Kirilenko D.A., Garamus V.M., Kulvelis Yu.V., Bulavin L.A.

  • Cycle of works "Structural studies of proteins and nanomaterials using small-angle neutron scattering, X-rays and complementary methods"

Authors from FLNP JINR: Erkhan Raul Viktor, Bodnarchuk V.I., Kuklin A.I.

Third Party Authors: Angel Lilia, Rada Simona


The annotations for work cycles and the works themselves can be found in advance at the link:

Regulations on the FLNP Prize as amended in 2019 and the criteria for evaluating works in the competition 2.2.  "Research papers on the condensed matter physics” are attached.

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 All interested employees are invited.