Meeting agenda

  1. Kinetics of irreversible processes in partially disordered structures. Tropin T.V. (based on the materials of the doctoral dissertation. Specialty 01.04.07 - Condensed matter physics)



"Kinetics of irreversible processes in partially ordered structures"

Tropin T.V. (FLNP JINR)


The results of research and descriptions of two characteristic processes, relevant for the advanced condensed matter physics: glass-transition and aggregation of nanoparticles are presented.  Experimental research of solutions of fullerenes of various polarity with a set of complementary methods was performed, which allowed to investigate both the structure of the formed clusters and the kinetics of their increase, a number of other phenomena.  A theoretical description of kinetic processes in fullerene solutions is presented.  Furtherly, description of the polystyrene glass-transition kinetics in a wide range of cooling and heating rates q is discussed.  A general theoretical research of the glass-transition of model system in a wide range of velocities q was performed, dependences of the main characteristics of the current process on temperature and pressure variation rates were studied. Finally, glass-transition and the features of the structural organization of nanoparticles in thin films of polymer fullerene-polystyrene nanocomposites are studied using the reflectometry method.  (According to the materials of the doctoral dissertation. Specialty 01.04.07 - Condensed matter physics).


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