"Experimental methods of neutron radiography and tomography at the IBR-2 high flux pulsed reactor and the WWR-K stationary research nuclear reactor"

 (based on the materials of the doctoral dissertation)

Sergey Kichanov


The trend of recent years is to develop experimental facilities for neutron radiography and tomography at most modern neutron sources.  These methods of non-destructive analysis allow one to obtain neutron images and volumetric three-dimensional reconstruction of the internal structure of the subjects of research with a spatial resolution of better than 100 μm.  Significant neutron penetration depth makes it possible to obtain fundamentally new information using neutron radiography and tomography methods as compared to X-ray methods.

The main results of activities are the development, implementation and progress of experimental facilities of the neutron radiography and tomography method on pulsed and stationary neutron sources.  A specialized research facility has been constructed on the beam 14 of the IBR-2 high flux pulsed reactor at FLNP JINR using neutron radiography and tomography, as well as methodological work has been carried out to improve its technical parameters.  A detailed description of the methodological capabilities, design and experimental parameters, as well as the main components of this facility is performed.  It should be noted that the pulsed nature of the operation of the IBR-2 reactor opens up broad prospects for the implementation of the energy dispersive neutron radiography using the time-of-flight technique, at which the choice of the optimal range of energies of falling neutrons allows to strengthen the contrast of the object details in the experiment.  Taking into account the relevance and wide applied capabilities of neutron radiography and tomography methods, accumulated experience and interest from the Republican State Enterprise "Institute of Nuclear Physics" (Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan), activities have been carried out to construct a research facility using neutron radiography and tomography based on the WWR-K reactor.

 The construction of these neutron radiography and tomography facilities made it possible to develop a new applied direction of research at JINR and INP, concerning non-destructive analysis of the internal structure of volume objects, products and materials, among which there are paleontological objects of natural heritage, engineering products, objects of extraterrestrial origin - meteorites, archaeological sites of cultural heritage.  The results of research are presented using the neutron radiography and tomography method of cement materials, geophysical objects, cultural heritage objects.  The possibilities of algorithms for analyzing radiographic data and approaches to the interpretation of the results obtained for applied research of a wide range of materials are shown as well.


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