"Micromegas detectors production sites at the DLNP"

 A. Gongadze

At the present time two sites for the production of the Micromegas detectors are created at the DLNP. The first site was intended for production and tests of the Micromegas chambers of the New Small Wheels (NSW) of the Muon Spectrometer of the ATLAS experiment. There were produces and tested 70 two-sided readout panels, each has 3 m2 area, and 33 Micromegas chambers (quadruplets). By mid of April the full set of 33 quadruplets will be transported to the CERN and team will move to CERN to participate in the wheel's assembly and commissioning. The second site is intended for the full cycle production of the Micromegas detectors of 60 cm wide according to the corresponding R&D project.


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