"Accelerator EG - 5: the state of affairs and perspective tasks"

A.S. Doroshkevich, T.V.Phuc, P.L.Tuan, T.Yu. Zelenyak, I.A. Chepurchenko, M.Kulik, A.P. Kobzev


  1. The report will present current research and the results of the work of the group "Installation EG-5" for 2020. The group's work program and promising research areas will be considered. (Doroshkevich A.S., "Installation EG-5").
  2. A short presentation will be performed for his recent study including results of investigation the influence of mass, energy of ion and thickness of coated layer on the mixing degree of the TiO2/SiO2 system using RBS method and SRIM simulation. The unique capabilities of the RBS method in the analysis of a multilayer structure will be shown. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., "Installation EG-5").


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