"Supercomputing and Nuclear Analytical Methods for Air Pollution Management"

1. "Mathematical Modelling of Air Pollution – Results Verification and Future Perspective"

Vladislav Svozilík*

A substantial part of the seminar is devoted to the results of Vladislav Svozilik’s Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Verification of Mathematical Air Pollution Modelling Results by the ADMoSS Model Using UAS Measurement and Biomonitoring". Knowing the relationship between pollution sources and air pollution concentrations is crucial. Mathematical modelling is a suitable method for the assessment of this relationship. The Analytical Dispersion Modelling Supercomputer System (ADMoSS) is used for air pollution modelling in large areas. Not all pollution sources can be included in the modelling itself, and other uncertainties arise during the simplification of reality. Therefore, calibration by standard air pollution monitoring was included in ADMoSS. Consequently, alternative monitoring methods are needed for model verification. The verification is performed using the results of two special monitoring methods. The first one is a method for measuring air pollution by unmanned airships, and the second one is biomonitoring of air pollution using mosses. The results show that flight measurements using an unmanned airship are suitable for capturing dynamic phenomena, but not verifying a model that reflects a long-term situation in a large area. On the contrary, moss biomonitoring is a suitable method for evaluating modelling results, as well as for identifying specific chemical elements whose distribution coincides with the mathematical model.


2. "IT for air quality management - status and perspectives of further cooperation with JINR."

Petr Jančík*

In this case, the broad title encompasses the measurement and mathematical modeling of air pollution, geoinformation technologies for analyzing their results, as well as the preparation and implementation of modeling on parallel supercomputer clusters. Over the past few years, my team and I have been researching and refining mathematical models, expanding the amount of processed input data using powerful supercomputers and verifying model calculations via special monitoring by nuclear analytical methods, namely, NAA of bryophytes, unmanned aerial vehicles and a robotic automatic sampler placed on filters of a former mining tower in the area of interest. We have created a model of air pollution relations in a large area between the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, which is called Tritia. For this area, we have developed an Air Quality Management System that uses the results of retrospective and perspective modeling over a long period of time (from 2006 to 2040). Researchers from the above countries and JINR have participated in all these works.

* Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)


Connection link: https://indico-hlit.jinr.ru/event/229/