Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to send abstracts for hybrid ICPAM-13 and PAMS-4 using one of the two available methods: submission via online platform (selecting a topic or PAMS-4) or sending via e-mail (to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., using the provided template).


We invite all participants (onsite, online) in ICPAM-13 and PAMS-4 to register online. We invite you to become a member of the ICPAMS association to get a 20% discount on the registration fee.



All onsite participants will be accommodated at the Eden Roc Hotel. We invite you to make a hotel reservation by contacting Laura Lacko (contact info on the conference webpage).


Important dates

Deadline for abstract/application submission: August 15, 2021.

Deadline for early registration payment: August 15, 2021.

Deadline for late registration payment: September 10, 2021.

Deadline for accommodation booking (full board) and excursion: August 15, 2021.


Manuscript publication

Participants in ICPAM-13 and PAMS-4 are invited to send their manuscripts for special issues in prestigious journals - Thin Solid Films and open-access journals that agreed to offer a 30% discount: Nanomaterials, Coatings and Materials.



Continuing tradition, we offer a number of prizes for the best contributions: seven awards for the participants in ICPAM-13 and 4 awards for the participants in PAMS-4. We invite you to apply for these awards. A committee of seven specialists will evaluate the applications.


We look forward to meeting you in Sant Feliu de Guixols or online.



ICPAM-13, PAMS-4 General Chairpersons