Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR is funding International Conference «Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter Research» (RNIKS-2021). The Conference will be held from September 27 to October 1 in the Institute of Metal Physics in Yekaterinburg.

The Conference will cover next topics:


  • Crystal structures and elementary excitations;
  • Magnetic structures and interactions;
  • Magnetism and polarized neutrons;
  • Strongly correlated electronic systems;
  • Non-crystalline materials, polymers and liquids;
  • Surfaces, thin films and multilayer structures;
  • Biological systems;
  • Functional materials, materials science and applied research (energy, environment, geophysics, cultural heritage);
  • Basic research with neutrons;
  • Theoretical aspects of neutron scattering;
  • Reactor PIK: scientific program and instrumentation;
  • Sources of neutrons;
  • Devices and methods of neutron experiment;
  • Experimental methods complementary to neutron scattering.

For more details please visit: