"Memorial seminar dedicated to the 100th anniversary of I.M. Matora"
- “Opening speech” V. Shvetsov
- “Brief scientific biography of I.M. Matora” E. Litvinenko
- “Microtron-injector for IBR. Preparatory stage of the project for the development of LIU-30” E. Shabalin
- “Problems of electron beam stability in a linear induction accelerator” S. Rakityansky
- “Work on the development of LIU-30 and beam tracing experiments” V. Pyataev
- “Our work together (New control systems of LIU-30)” V. Zamriy
- “Prospects of using cyclotrons to produce neutron beams” S. Dolya
- “A few words about the late works of I.M. Matora” E. Shabalin
- Memories of Ivan Maksimovich.
You can connect to the online seminar by the link
Meeting number: 826 8812 986
Meeting password: 723484