Lev Borisovich Pikelner

09.11.1924 – 22.09.2020

We deeply regret to announce that Lev Borisovich Pikelner passed away on 23 September 2020. L. B. Pikelner was an outstanding Soviet and Russian experimental physicist, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Honorary Doctor of JINR, and a recognized science organizer in the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics.

Lev Borisovich successfully combined creativity and meticulousness with his ability to unite young colleagues to solve the most challenging, on the verge of feasibility, tasks and achieve results. Demanding and self-critical assessment of acquired results, their quality and novelty earned him well-deserved respect and recognition among the world scientific community.

A loving father and grandfather, a family man, a man with an active attitude to life. Lev Borisovich has always been and will always remain a role model for people who knew and loved him.

FLNP staff 


Condolences from Vietnam


Dear colleagues,

It is my deep regret to hear Lev Borisovich passed away. He was one of my loved teachers in FLNP for my early scientific career from 1979 to 1984. For that time, under his leadership the department of Nuclear physics has made tremendous scientific research. In particular, I have a great honor to join him as co-authors of the discovery of giant enhancements of the P-violation effect in neutron resonances, of which I am proud as a FLNP staff member.

I am not the only Vietnamese graduating from the FLNP school, but many colleagues from Vietnam are obligated toward their Dubna scientific lives under Lev Borisovich’s kindest care.

Please, accept my sincerest condolences to Lev Borisovich’s family and to FLNP staff for this great loss.

Lev Borisovich’s deep memory will be in the heart of mine and of other his Vietnamese colleagues.

With my kindest regards,

Thuan (Vo Van)

Former director, Hanoi Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INST)

Senior researcher (Emeritus), Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM)

Senior researcher, Duy Tan University (DTU)


Condolences from Poland


от Проф. Будзыньскего

Пожалуйста, примите мои глубочайшие соболезнования. Проф. Пикельнер - всемирно известный специалист в области ядерной физики. Известная и уважаемая фигура.
Лаборатория нейтронной физики потеряла одного из своих создателей.
М. Будзыньски


от Ирка Натканьца:

Присоединяюсь к вам в печали после потери Льва Борисовича. Он останется в нашей памяти как образец любознательности и надежности в исследованиях, которые создали международный авторитет LNF. Выражаю соболезнования родственникам Льва Борисовича, руководству и сотрудникам Лаборатории.