The Russian Science Foundation and the National Natural Science Foundation of China start accepting applications for the first joint competition of scientific projects.

Investigations of international scientific teams in all fields of knowledge from the Foundation's classifier can take part in the competition.

Applications for projects must be submitted in parallel to the RSF (by the Russian team) and to NSFC (by the Chinese team) in accordance with the rules of each fund.

Expertise of projects will be carried out both from the Russian and Chinese sides independently of each other.  Only those teams that will be able to get a positive assessment from experts from both countries will be able to count on funding.

The leader of the Russian research team can, in addition to the implementation of the project, simultaneously supervise one project of the Foundation and participate in one project of the Foundation as an executor.

The size of one grant from the Russian Science Foundation will be from 4 to 6 million rubles annually, and the three-year research projects themselves are planned for implementation in 2021–2023.

Applications for participation are accepted until July 31, 2020, the results of the competition will be announced in December this year.

Detailed information about the competition and the requirements for participants are presented in the "Competitions" section of the official website of the Russian Science Foundation.



The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) is the largest fund for basic research in PRC.  In 2018, NSFC awarded 44,504 new grants to over 1,500 organizations for the research to be carried out by individual scientists and research teams.