Section of Nuclear Physics:

I prize: Cycle of works for investigation of inelastic neutron scattering on light nuclei.

Authors: Y.N. Kopach, V.R. Skoy, T.Y. Tretyakova, N.A. Gundorin, N.A. Fedorov, D.N. Grozdanov, F.A. Aliev, C. Hramco, I.D. Dashkov, S. Dabylova – FLNP, [V.M. Bystritsky], I.N. Ruskov, A. Kumar, A. Gandhi, D.I. Yurkov, Y.N. Barmakov, V.I. Zverev.

II prize: Cycle of works: “Effect of Acceleration as a general physical effect”

Authors: A.I. Frank, M. A. Zakharov and G. V. Kulin – FLNP.

III prize: Article “Nonstationary neutron diffraction by surface acoustic waves”

Authors: G. V. Kulin, A. I. Frank – FLNP, V. A. Bushuev, Yu. N. Khaydukov ,  D. V. Roshchupkin, S. Vadilonga, A. P. Sergeev


Condensed Matter Physics:

I prize: Cycle of works “The studies of the high pressure effect on the crystal and magnetic structure of topologically frustrated complex cobalt oxides”

Authors: D. P. Kozlenko, N. O. Golosova, S. E. Kichanov, E. V. Lukin, A.V. Rutkaukas, B. N. Savenko – FLNP.

II prize: Cycle of works "Complex formation and biological activity of fullerenes in solutions"

Authors: A.D. Avdeev, V.L. Aksenov, D. Chudoba, T.V. Nagornaya, T.V. Tropin, A.I. Ivankov, M.O. Kuzmenko – FLNP, O.A. Kyzyma, L.A. Bulavin

III prize: Article “Neutron scattering in studies of Fe-based functional alloys (Fe-Ga, Fe-Al et al.)”

Authors: A.M. Balagurov – FLNP, I.S. Golovin


Applied and methodical research:

I prize: Cycle of works “High Temperature Superconducting Magnet System with a high-pressure chamber for the DN-12 diffractometer at the IBR-2 facility operated in magnetic field up to 5 T and a temperature range of 4.5 - 300 K”

Authors: A. Chernikov, S. Kulikov, O. Culicov, A. Buzdavin – FLNP, Ion Dobrin, Dan Enache, George Dumitru, Andrei Dobrin, [Iuliu Popovici].

II prize: Cycle of works “Correlation RTOF diffractometry at long-pulse neutron source: experimental data analysis methods”

Аuthor: G.D. Bokuchava – FLNP.

III prize: Cycle of works “Development and construction of an experimental station for neutron radiography and tomography at the WWR-K research reactor (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)”

Authors: E.V. Lukin, D. P. Kozlenko, S. E. Kichanov, K. M. Nazarov, B. Muhametuly, B.N. Savenko – FLNP.


Experimental work not related to the categories 1-3:

I prize: Article “3D silver dendrites for single-molecule imaging by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy”

Authors: K. Z. Mamatkulov, M.Yu. Vorobyeva, G. M. Arzumanyan  – FLNP, H. V. Bandarenka, N. V. Khinevich, A. A. Burko, S.V. Redko, S. A. Zavatski, U. A. Shapel,

II prize: Cycle of works “Athmospheric Deposits of Heavy Metals– Assessment Based on Analysis of Moss-Biomonitors: results of the 2015/2016 moss survey”

Authors: M. Frontasyeva, D. Abdusamadzoda, Y. Aleksiayenak, K. Vergel, I. Zinicovscaia, O. Culicov, P. Nekhoroshkov, A. Svozilíková Krakovská, C. Hramco, G. Hristozova, O. Chaligava, Trinh T.T.M., A. Uzhinskiy, N. Yushin – FLNP

III prize: Article Functional lipid pairs as building blocks of phase-separated membranes

Authors: D. Soloviov, K. Zhernenkov – FLNP, Y.Q. Cai, D. Bolmatov, A. Suvorov, D. Zav’yalov, A. Bosak, H. Uchiyama, M. Zhernenkov.