In accordance with the JINR Order (clause 2) "On the Conduct of a Competition for Grants for Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR for 2022", the dates for the conference are November 30, December 1 and December 2. The conference will start at 10:00.

All applied applicants have to register on the website: 

All presentations will be held according to the schedule that will be available on the website. Time for performance: 7 min. for a report + 3 min. to questions for AYSS grant applicants, 10 min. for a report + 2 min. questions for scholarship applicants. An applicant applying for an AYSS grant and one of the scholarships simultaneously have to prepare a 10 min presentation.

The conference will be held online. All information about connection details will be sent by e-mail and posted on the Laboratory's website.