JINR Directorate invites you to take part in the 133rd session of the JINR Scientific Council that will be held in hybrid format on 16-17 February, 2023, in the International Conference Centre with the possibility to connect on the Zoom platform.
The session starts at 11:00 AM Moscow time.
The preliminary programme of the session is available at the webpage

The link to join the videoconference will be available on the same website at the top of the page, as well as at the end of the notification.
It is recommended to connect at least 1 hour prior to the session to pre-check the audio/video connection.

Join Zoom conference
Conference ID: 951 9334 0695
Access code: 162129
One tap on your mobile phone
+74999516380,,95193340695#,,,,*162129# Russia
+74999516379,,95193340695#,,,,*162129# Russia
Dial depending on location
+7 499 951 6380 Russia
+7 499 951 6379 Russia
Conference ID: 951 9334 0695
Access code: 162129
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abTgouhBer 
Connect via Skype for Business