Hereby we inform you that traditional International Conference “Modeling of Synthesis and Destruction of Advanced Materials” (MSDAM-2023) will be held on 19 through 21 October 2023 in Minsk, Belarus, on the premises of the Institute of Applied Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

The conference will be held jointly by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (NASB), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and Research Center “The Kurchatov Institute” under the auspices of the International Association of Academies of Sciences.

The working languages of the Conference are English (preferable) and Russian. Russian speakers should submit their abstracts in both languages (see the templates below).

The Conference focuses on modeling of the kinetics and mechanisms of phase transitions and structure formation, diffusion, interaction of dislocations and other defects during the synthesis, service and destruction of materials, as well as on related topical issues of Computer Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Nanotechnologies.

The conference topics include (but are not limited to):

  • First-principles modeling using the density functional theory (DFT),
  • Molecular dynamic modeling (MDM),
  • Phase field modeling,
  • Macrokinetic (phenomenological) models,
  • Multiphysics modeling,
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) in Materials Science,
  • Thermodynamic modeling and other approaches.

There is no registration fee for participation in the Conference.

The abstracts will be presented on the website of the Institute of Applied Physics NASB ( and published as a book after the Conference. Selected presentations will be recommended for publication in journals “Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems” ( and “Nondestructive Testing and Diagnostics” (in Russian, see

The deadline for submission of abstracts is September 18, 2023.

A round table will be held to discuss the most cutting-edge issues of mathematical modeling in Materials Science and Nanotechnologies.

The participation of young scientists and specialists is especially welcomed.

Conference Chair: Full Member of NASB, Professor Sergey A. Chizhik.

Vice-chairs: Director of the Institute of Applied Physics of NASB, Professor Mikhail L. Kheifetz and Principal Research Scientist, Professor Boris B. Khina.

Scientific Secretary: Dr. Alexander S. Garkun.

Emails for correspondence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


First Information Letter