Registration is open for the Kurchatov Forum for Synchrotron and Neutron Research (“Kurchatov FSNR 2023”) that will be held in Moscow on 24 – 27 October, 2023.

The Forum consists of three sections (S):

S1 “Advanced synchrotron and neutron research”;

S2 “Scientific results obtained at experimental stations for synchrotron and neutron research” - 2.1: Materials science; Subsection 2.2: Biology and life sciences; 2.3: Cultural heritage

S3 “Concept and scientific programme of the synchrotron and laser complex “SILA” - 3.1: Conceptual designs and scientific programmes of experimental stations of the first stage of the SR source; 3.2: Conceptual designs and scientific programmes of experimental stations of the first stage of the free electron laser.

In addition, the “Kurchatov FSNR 2023” programme includes:

  • Two microsymposiums: “Development of a scientific programme for the development of neutron research in the Russian Federation” and “Scientific programme of the RIF and TNC “Zelenograd” projects;
  • Two round tables: “Industrial application of mega-class facilities” and “Joint training of personnel for the development of synchrotron and neutron research”.

An application to participate in the Forum as a participant or listener can be submitted here

“The Kurchatov FSNR 2023” will be held within the framework of the International Scientific and Technological Forum of Convergent and Nature-Like Technologies (, ( that is organized by NRC "Kurchatov Institute".

Registration deadline – 1 October, 2023