Alexander Vladislavovich Belushkin, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics)

Institution, address: Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia


Tel.: +7 (49621) 6-51-40

Fax: +7 (49621) 6-50-85

Telex: 911621 DUBNA SU

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Born: 4 February 1956, Ukhta, USSR

Education: (years, institutions, degrees, title of thesis)


  • 1973–1979 - Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Faculty of Experimental and Theoretical Physics
  • 1984 - Candidate of Sciences (Phys. & Math.) («The Research of Dynamics of the Lattice of Molecular Crystals by the Method of Neutron Scattering»)
  • 1997 - Doctor of Sciences (Phys. & Math.) («The Research of Crystals with the Disordered Hydrogenous Bonds by the Method of Neutron Scattering»)


Professional career:


  • 1973–1979 - Research Assistant, Junior Researcher, Research Associate, FLNP, JINR
  • 1989–1992 - Scientific Secretary of FLNP, JINR
  • 1992–1994 - Visiting Scientist, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK)
  • 1994–2000 - Deputy Director, FLNP, JINR
  • 2001 - Acting Director, FLNP, JINR
  • 2003 - Director FLNP, JINR


Teaching activity, memberships:


  • Since 1995 - Scientific Secretary, Russian State Programme «Neutron Investigation of Condensed Matter»
  • Since 1997 - Member, Scientific Council on Ferroelectrics and Dielectrics, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Since 1997 - Spokesman on behalf of Russia, European Neutron Scattering Association
  • 1994–1998 - Lecturer, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
  • Since 1999 - Lecturer, Moscow State University


Research interests:
Lattice dynamics and phase transitions, disordered systems, diffusion in condensed matter, methods of neutron scattering


Author of 72 scientific publications.