Yuri Nikolaevich Kopatch, PhD

Institution, address: Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia.


Tel.: +7 (49621) 6-24-59
Fax: +7 (49621) 6-54-29
Telex: 911621 DUBNA SU
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Born: April 1, 1970 Vinnitsa region, Ukraine.



  • 1987 – 1993 – Moscow State University, Physics Department;
  • 1995 – 1999 – Post graduate student at JINR Training Centre;
  • 1999 – PhD (Candidate of Science (Phys. & Math). Ph.D. Thesis: "Investigation of Angular Anisotropy Effects in Fission". Advisors: A.B.Popov (JINR, Dubna) and M.Mutterer (TU Darmstadt)/


Professional career:

  • 1993 – 2002 – Junior researcher, FLNP, JINR;
  • 1993 – 1994 – Visiting scientist, Technical University, Darmstadt, Germany;
  • 1999 – 2002 – Postdoc, Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany;
  • 2002 – 2004 – Acting head of Nulcear Physics department, FLNP, JINR ;
  • 2004 – 2010 – Head of Nulcear Physics department, FLNP, JINR;
  • 2011 – Head of Sector of investigations of neutron-nuclear interactions.


Research interest:

  • Nuclear fission – neutron-induced fission; spontaneous fission; ternary fission; quantum-mechanical properties of the fission process.
  • Nuclear structure – exotic nuclei; gamma-ray spectroscopy; K-isomers.
  • Neutron-induced reactions – neutron resonances; violation of fundamental symmetries.
  • Detector development – particle identification (??E-E, risetime disctimination); Ge detectors (pulse-shape analysis; gamma-ray tracking); neutron detectors.



Author of more than 50 scientific publications.