Study of heat inflow using heat exchange gas in a shaft cryostat based on GM cryocooler

A. Chernikov, A.Buzdavin

Pepelyshev Yu.N., Rogov A.D., Sidorkin V.F.

Accelerator driven pulsed high-flux neutron source for beam research

Penionzhkevich Yu.E.
Neutrons in exotic nuclei
The problems related to the effect of neutron clusters on the structure of neutron-rich nuclei near neutron stability boundaries are discussed. The results of measurements of delayed neutrons emitted after the beta-decay of exotic nuclei and the manifestation of various resonances in nuclei as a result of this process are presented. Dynamic neutron shell effects in the interaction of neutron-rich nuclei with target nuclei in various energy regions (from subbarrier to 50 AMeV) are described. The prospects of research on neutron-rich nuclei beams of radioactive-beam factories, including those of the DRIBs accelerator complex, are discussed.

Dubitsky Ilya Semenovich
(St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg)

Behavior of local magnetization in ferromagnetic inverted opals in a magnetic field: micromagnetic modeling and experiment
(based on the materials of Ph.D. thesis)

Kupriyanova Ekaterina Alexandrovna
(The Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS), Moscow)

«Gravitational states in ultracold quantum systems»
(based on the Ph.D. thesis)