Meeting agenda:
1) Discussion of works submitted for the 2018 FLNP Competition in the section «Applied and methodical research»:
1. Tran Van Phuc, Miroslav Kulik, Flexander Kobzev, Le Hong Khiem "Study of MOS structures using nuclear analytical methods"


2. Inga Zinicovscaia, Octavian G. Duliu, Otilia Ana Culicov, Marina Vladimirovna Frontasyeva, Svetlana Gundorina, Rodica Sturza, Constantin Bilici “Determination of the element content of Moldavian wines and soils by neutron activation analysis”


2) Changes in the composition of the Council

Dorota Kołodyńska
(MCSU, Lublin, Poland, associate professor with over 20 years’ experience in inorganic chemistry and environmental protection)

Chemical composition of the near surface layers of implanted GaAs


Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France

 Spectra of magnetic and lattice excitations  in high-temperature superconductors

(Moscow Technological Center, LG Chem)

Lithium-ion batteries LG Chem: development, production, applications, cooperation with Russian scientific organizations

Lyashuk V.I. (INR of RAS)

Principles for creation of intensive antineutrino lithium source on the base of neutron activation and creation of transuraniums under extremal neutron fluxes