Meeting agenda:

Discussion of proposals on the nomination of scientific works for the FLNP competition for 2020 under the section "competition of scientific works in condensed matter physics”

"Solemn seminar dedicated to the 90th birth anniversary of G.A. Ososkov

Workshop program

 - Official part.  Speeches by colleagues and friends

 - Scientific part

P.V.  Goncharov, “Using deep learning methods to reconstruct the trajectories of elementary particles”

A.S.  Zhemchugov, “Fast track recovery for the SPD experiment”

A.A.  Lebedev, S.A.  Lebedev, “Reconstruction of events in the CBM experiment”


Information about the seminar and a link to connect are posted on Indico:

Meeting agenda:


Discussion of works submitted for the 2021 FLNP Competition in the section «Applied and Scientific-methodical research»


  1. Application of the method of neutron resonance analysis for the investigation of archaeological objects. Sedyshev P. V., Simbirtseva N. V., Yergashov A. M., Mazhen S. T., Dmitriev A. Yu., Shvetsov V. N.
  2. High Temperature Superconducting Magnet System with a high-pressure chamber for the DN‑12 diffractometer at the IBR-2 facility operated in magnetic field up to 5 T and a temperature range of 4.5 - 300 K. Chernikov, S. Kulikov, O. Culicov, Buzdavin A.
  3. Development and construction of an experimental station for neutron radiography and tomography at the WWR-K research reactor (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan). V. Lukin, D. P. Kozlenko, S. E. Kichanov, K. M. Nazarov, B. Muhametuly, E. A. Kenzhin, , A. A. Shaimerdenov, E. Bazarbaev, B. N. Savenko
  4. Experimental data analysis methods in correlation RTOF diffractometry at long-pulse neutron source. Bokuchava
  5. Research of radiation hardness of magnetic field’ sensors of TOKAMAKs. Bulavin, E. Shabalin, A. Verkhogliadov, E. Kulagin, S. Kulikov
  6. A data acquisition and synchronization system. Ahmadov G., Berikov D., Kopatch Yu., Nuruyev S., Telezhnikov S.
  7. Method of reducing the level of power oscillation in pulsed reactor «Neptune». Shabalin E.P., Hassan A.A., Rzyanin M.V., Podlesnyy M.М.

"JINR Innovative Radiobiological Research Program"

A.N.  Bugai

An international program of radiobiological research, formed by the Laboratory of Radiation Biology within the framework of the project of the JINR Innovation Center at the accelerators of the Institute and member-countries, is presented.  The program includes two main fields: medical radiobiology and brain sciences.  The tasks of the first field include the development of new breakthrough approaches to increase the efficiency of radiation and radionuclide therapy.  The second field concerns studies of the mechanisms of radiation-induced disorders in the central nervous system.

"Digitizers "DSR" (Digital Signal Recorder) and their application for nuclear physics research"

Yu.N. Kopatch, S.V. Alpatov


A waveform digitizer is an electronic data acquisition device that digitizes analog signals using fast analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) at a specified clock frequency and stores the resulting digitized data to disk or memory for subsequent processing.

The use of digitizers in modern experiments as the main component of a data acquisition system in many cases allows significant gains in compactness and cost, and also provides more opportunities for the data analysis.

The report discusses the characteristics and features of the DSR-2, DSR-32, DSR-8/16, and DSR-128 digitizers with a high-speed USB3 interface, developed at FLNP JINR.