Meeting agenda:


  1. Elections for positions:

1.1. Group leader, DNICM FLNP

Candidate for the position: S.E. Kichanov

1.2. Group leader, DNICM FLNP

Candidate for the position: A.I. Kuklin

1.3. Senior Researcher, DNICM FLNP

Candidate for the position: N.O. Golosova

1.4. Scientific researcher, DNICM FLNP

Candidate for the position: T.N. Nagornaya

1.5. Scientific researcher, DNICM FLNP

Candidate for the position: A.V. Rutkauskas

1.6. Scientific researcher, DNICM FLNP

Candidate for the position: V.D. Zhaketov

"The current state of the study of Photon Strength Functions. Experiment and analysis of the 195Pt (n, xγ) reaction"

N.V.Simbirtseva,V.I Furman

Meeting agenda:

1. Elections for positions:

1.1.Section Leader, DNICM DCMRD FLNP

Candidate for the position: M.V.  Avdeev.

1.2. Section Leader, DNICM DCMRD FLNP

Candidate for the position: G.D.  Bokuchava.

1.3. Chief researcher, DNICM DCMRD FLNP

Candidate for the position: A.M.  Balagurov.

1.4. Group leader, DNICM DCMRD FLNP

Candidate for the position: T.V.  Tropin.


2. Nomination of works of FLNP employees for the JINR Prize for 2020.


You can connect to the online meeting of the FLNP STC by the link

Meeting number: 137 845 8235

Ask the Scientific Secretary of the Laboratory for the password



1. Elections for scientific positions

1.1.  Belozerova Nadezhda M. - Junior researcher

1.2.  Beskrovny Anatoly I. - Senior researcher

1.3.  Bobrikov Ivan A. - Senior researcher

1.4.  Vasin Roman N. - Senior researcher

1.5.  Goremychkin Evgeny A. - Leading researcher

1.6.  Ermakova Elena V. – Scientific researcher

1.7.  Ivankina Tatiana I. - Senior researcher

1.8.  Ivanshina Olga Yu. - Scientific researcher

1.9.  Islamov Ahmed K. - Senior researcher

1.10.  Kiselev Mikhail A. - Leading researcher

1.11.  Kozhevnikov Sergey V. - Senior researcher

1.12.  Lychagina Tatiana Anatolyevna - Senior researcher

1.13.  Nikitenko Yuri V. - Leading researcher

1.14.  Nikolaev Dmitry I. - Senior researcher

1.15.  Savenko Boris N. - Senior researcher

1.16.  Sikolenko Vadim V. - Senior researcher

1.17.  Kholmurodov Kholmirzo T. - Leading researcher


Information on applicants for scientific positions and a form for secret ballot will be applied to the members of the DNCIM STC additionally.

"Network proximity technologies: concept, models and algorithms, distributed systems and services"

Namiot D.E. (Lomonosov Moscow State University)  (based on the doctoral dissertation)