"Algorithms and programs for express-analysis of data in List-Mode of neutron scattering, measured on 2-axis PSDs with a delay line using data acquisition systems based on CAEN digitizers"

Litvinenko E.I.


When using CAEN digitizers, serving as electronics of general use, in the considered case of 2-axis PSDs with a delay line, the task of constructing neutron events from measured data should be performed at the software level. The statement of problem and the developed software for a sufficiently fast transformation of the measured data into formats that allow obtaining and visualizing the positional and time-of-flight spectra of neutrons in the process or immediately after the end of the current measurement are described in the paper.

"Interference of waves: from neutron interferometry to neutron spin-echo"

A.I.Ioffe  (based on the doctoral dissertation)

 "Insights into the Archaeometric Studies of Artifacts with Emphasis on the Icon Painting"

Mina Magdy (senior scientist at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization NMEC)


The preservation of cultural heritage is an interdisciplinary collaboration of different sciences. The complementation of various analytical techniques can provide a wealth of information that is useful for a better understanding of the chemical patterns of different materials; it could be used to explore the bulk or surface, to observe the microscopic or macroscopic features, to determine the chemical or physical properties, and to reach the different detection limits of the profiling layers. The output of the characterization process is the decision-making of the preservation strategy, and the outcome is the valorization of the cultural heritage artworks. The archaeological materials change with time, so the preservation procedures are employed to safeguard the cultural heritage. The current research work concerns the aging phenomena of painting artworks.






"Quantum Computing Using Multilevel Systems"

Aleksey Fedorov (Head of the group of Quantum Information Technologies, "Skolkovo")


Quantum computers are computing devices that use quantum phenomena (such as quantum superposition and quantum entanglement) to solve problems. Quantum computing devices have the potential to outperform classical computers in a variety of tasks, such as cryptanalysis, complex system modeling, and machine learning. The presentation will provide an overview of various models of quantum computing, as well as the main applications of quantum computing devices. We will also consider a model of quantum computing using multilevel systems (qudits). The proposed model is based on a combination of several approaches. The first approach exploits the general relationship between the dimension of the qubits and their link topology, which is necessary for a scalable multi-qudit processor, where higher levels of qudits are used to replace auxiliary qubits. The second approach uses the decomposition of multi-level systems into a set of two-level systems. The application of the approach in current experiments with quantum information processing systems is discussed. The questions of the analysis of quantum computing devices in the context of the theory of open quantum systems will also be touched upon.

Meeting agenda:

  1. Dissertation proposal defense submitted to the candidacy for the degree of Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics in the specialty 01.04.07 - "Condensed Matter Physics".

Subject of dissertation: “Kinetics of irreversible processes in partially ordered structures”

Speaker: Timur V.Tropin

  1. Elections for positions:


2.1. Scientific researcher, Sector of investigations of neutron-nuclear interactions, DNP FLNP

Candidate for the position: Zh.V. Mezentseva

2.2 Junior researcher, Department of Spectrometers Complex IBR-2, FLNP

Candidate for the position: V.V. Sadilov