"Thermodynamics and kinetics of complexes of biological molecules with low molecular compounds and inorganic materials"

Y. Sh. Mamasakhlisov (Russian-Armenian University, Yerevan State University)

The report presents theoretical and experimental results related to the formation of complexes of nucleic acids with organic and inorganic compounds. In particular, the influence of viscoelasticity effects on chromatin dynamics and their relationship with the formation of biomolecular condensates in the region of double-stranded chromatin breaks is considered. Results describing the stability of DNA in complexes with low molecular compounds are presented. In addition, the results related to the adsorption of single-stranded DNA on the surface of single-walled carbon nanotubes are discussed.


1. Defense of the Doctoral thesis by Tropin T.V. (JINR, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics) "Kinetics of irreversible processes in partially ordered structures";

2. Defense of the Ph.D. thesis by Zhaketov V.D. (JINR, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics). “Proximity effects in inhomogeneous structures with ferromagnetic and superconducting layers”.


On-line translation 

Meeting number: 2405 370 7163

Password: 63P2TbtHHEX

The first International Round Table on Applied Research and Innovations will be held on 15-16 September 2021 in Dubna as a hybrid event combining a major virtual component with a limited in-person presence of local participants. It will address a broad range of research topics with regards to future experiments at newly constructed beamlines.
The virtual sessions of the Round Table will be held with the Zoom videoconferencing platform. The direct link to join the event remotely will be available at the https://indico.jinr.ru/.../2351/page/1145-connection-details. More details on https://indico.jinr.ru/event/2351/

"Solemn seminar dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of V.V. Uzhinskiy"