
1. Defense of the Ph.D. thesis by Belozerova N.M. (JINR, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics) “Effect of high pressure on the crystal and magnetic structure of microcrystalline and nanocrystalline complex manganese and iron oxides”.

Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR is funding International Conference «Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter Research» (RNIKS-2021). The Conference will be held from September 27 to October 1 in the Institute of Metal Physics in Yekaterinburg.

"Seminar dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of Marina Vladimirovna Frontasyeva"

Seminar agenda:

1. M.V. Frontasyeva
"Neutron activation analysis in my life" (history of NAA at the REGATA facility of the IBR-2 reactor and prospects of its development).

2. Greetings from friends and colleagues

National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute» invites young scientists to "Youth Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Physics" which will be held on 15-18 November. Registration deadline is October 3.

Details on: