The IBR-3 pulsed research reactor - optimization of parameters "Method of reducing the level of power fluctuations in pulsed reactors"

 Shabalin E.P., Hassan A.A., Rzyanin M.V., Kulikov S.A.

"The acceleration effect as a general physical effect"

 A.I. Frank

"Magnetic system modeling using volume integral equations with piecewise linear approximation of the field inside a ferromagnet"

(based on the Ph.D. thesis)



 1. Defense of the doctoral thesis by Kozhevnikov S.V. (JINR, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics) "Neutron optics methods for characterization of planar magnetic nanostructures"

Meeting agenda:

  1. E. Kichanov

 "Development of methods of neutron radiography and tomography on pulsed and stationary neutron sources and their application for applied research of structural inhomogeneities of materials" (based on the doctoral thesis, specialty 01.04.01 - instruments and methods of experimental physics)

  1. Miscellaneous