"High-temperature superconducting hydrides: current status"

Artem R. Oganov (SKOLTECH, MIPT, NPU)

Dmitrii Semenok (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology)

Agenda of the meeting:

1. Elections for positions:

1.1. Junior researcher, IREN facility, DNP FLNP.  Candidate for the position: A. Zhomartova.

1.2. Scientific researcher, EG-5 facility, DNP FLNP. Candidate for the position: N.V. Simbirtseva.

1.3. Senior researcher, IREN Facility, DNP, FLNP.  Candidate for the position: O.S. Filippova.

1.4. Senior researcher, DNICM, FLNP.  Candidate for the position: A.V.  Tomchuk.

You can connect to the online meeting of the FLNP STC by the link


1. Defense of the candidate dissertation by Yashina Ekaterina G. (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" – PNPI, Gatchina) "Investigation of structural organization of chromatin in nuclei of biological cells using methods of small-angle neutron scattering"

"Algorithms for numerical simulation of thermal processes in the cells for supplying molecules in the ion source"

(based on the Ph.D. thesis)


"Integration of geographically distributed heterogeneous resources based on DIRAC Interware"

Igor Pelevanyuk