"Simulation of magnetic systems using volume integral equations with piecewise linear approximation of the field inside a ferromagnet"

Sapozhnikov A.A. (based on the Ph.D. thesis)

"Replacement of vacuum photomultipliers with micropixel avalanche photodiodes in ionizing radiation detectors"

Nuruev Sabukhi

CMR@IBR-2, the International Conference “Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-2”, to be held in Dubna, Moscow region, Russia October 12-16, 2020. Neutron scattering research at IBR-2 reactor covers different fields of condensed matter physics, materials science, chemistry, biophysical, geophysical and engineering sciences. CMR@IBR-2 intends to bring together the users of the neutron facility and other interested researchers for discussion of recent experimental results, prospects of future research and development of IBR-2 instruments.

In light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, it is planned to organize the upcoming CMR@IBR-2 Conference ONLINE.


Conference web site http://cmr-ibr.jinr.ru and the first announcement
The online registration is available now.


CMR@IBR2 2020 Scientific Programme

"Investigation and development of methods for efficient implementation of graph algorithms for advanced vector architectures"

Afanasyev I.V. (Research Computing Center of Lomonosov Moscow State University

(based on Ph.D. thesis)

"Study of the T-odd effects for gamma-rays and neutrons in the fission of uranium nuclei induced by polarized neutrons"

Berikov Daniyar