"Materials science and Earth sciences"
Vasin R.N.


Thermal neutron scattering methods are a powerful research tool that has been providing exclusive data on the dynamics, crystal and magnetic structure and microstructure of condensed matter for more than seventy years. The report considers some current problems in materials science and Earth sciences that can be solved by neutron scattering, and provides examples of related experiments at leading neutron scattering centers. Using these examples, an attempt is made to predict the topical problems of the future scientific program for the next generation NEPTUN reactor.

"Proposals for the organization of a small-angle neutron scattering instrument at the NEPTUN pulsed reactor"

V.V. Skoi


In recent years, the small-angle neutron scattering technique has not only not lost its relevance, but is also becoming increasingly popular, including for solving biological problems, studying polymers, magnetic materials and other nanoscale objects. The report provides an overview of the main characteristics of the available and projected small-angle scattering spectrometers on steady-state reactors and pulsed neutron sources. The proposals for the organization of a new small-angle neutron scattering instrument at the NEPTUN pulsed reactor with design parameters are presented, including the instrument geometry, detector system, moderator operation mode, sample environment systems.


1. Elections for the positions of:
1.1. Head of Sector of NAAAR, DNP FLNP. Applicant: I. I. Zinicovscaia.
1.2. Group leader, SNAAAR DNP, FLNP. Applicant: N. S. Yushin.
1.3. Group leader, SRS FLNP.
Applicant: K. Z. Mamatkulov.
1.4. Leading researcher, DNICM, DCMRD FLNP.
Applicant: M. Balasoiu.
1.5. Junior researcher, DNICM, DCMRD FLNP.
Applicant: S. V. Sumnikov.

"Spatial structure of DNA-aptamers according to the data of small-angle X-ray scattering"

Moryachkov R.V. (L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk)

"Chemo-physical study of model lipid systems with various additions"

Zdravka Slavkova (DNP, FLNP JINR)


The report will include an idea for an experimental study of the accelerated particles radiation effect of on lipid membranes. Cell membranes are predominantly built from phospholipids or more precisely phospholipids serve as the cell’s membrane backbone. Due to the complexity of cells in general (subcellular components, cell wall and etc.) certain simplifications are necessary for fundamental initial research. That’s where model lipid systems (synthetic lipids) step in. They are mimmetic systems which makes them perfect for physics research regarding cell membrane behavior. Assessment of the different additions influence, as well as ionizing radiations, depending on the task, on cell membranes are easily achievable this way.