"Comparison of two techniques for signal processing from neutron counters based on the 6LiF/ZnS(Ag) scintillator and optical fibers with spectrum reradiator"

Maksim M. Podlesnyj, Andrey A. Bogzdel, Vasil M. Milkov

The results of the research of two techniques for processing signals from neutron counters implemented in MPD-32 units and Caen digitizers are presented in the report. The amount of neutron events and the proportion of false alarms are measured depending on the dead time, the discrimination threshold and the analogue shaping time at different loadings per a beamline.


Defense of the D.Sc. thesis by Lychagin E.V. (FLNP JINR) "Reflectors of very cold and cold neutrons based on ultrafine diamonds".

"Search for light dark matter in the NA64 experiment"

S.N. Gninenko


The origin of dark matter in the Universe is the most interesting question of modern particle physics. An attractive class of models considers the possibility of the existence of light dark matter with a mass < O(1) GeV, which interacts with ordinary matter through a new weak interaction additional to gravity.
The NA64 experiment at the electron beam of the SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron) CERN  is one of the world's leading experiments designed for a sensitive search for new hypothetical particles, including light dark matter. We will present the theoretical motivation, experimental setup, main experimental challenges, and how NA64 addresses these challenges, as well as the latest results obtained in the 2022 run. In addition, the search for new particles and physics explaining the (g-2) muon anomaly will be discussed, along with the results of the search for a 17 MeV boson that can explain the ATOMKI collaboration anomaly. Finally, the program for searching for hypothetical particles predominantly interacting with muons or quarks at the SPS muon and hadron beams will be briefly outlined.

"Neutron spin-filter with spin-exchange interaction of 3He nuclei and the atoms of a saturated ferromagnetic"
V.R. Skoy

The model of a spin - exchange interaction between the nuclear magnetic moment of 3Не and the magnetic moments of electrons in a ferromagnetic is proposed. If a ferromagnetic is saturated an interaction leads to a gradual rising of 3Не nuclear polarization inside a volume surrounded by this ferromagnetic. The conditions for a practical implementation of a neutron spin filter with the polarized 3Не nuclei are considered, as well as the variants of its design.

Program of the seminar

– Speeches by colleagues and friends

– Scientific part

Z.A. Sharipov, Method of molecular dynamics in problems of radiation physics

V.S. Melezhik, Quantum-classical method for calculating non-dipole effects in the interaction of an atom with strong laser radiation

V.P. Tsvetkov, Solving the equations of the mathematical model of multifractal dynamics using computer graphics in the Maple system

– Buffet reception