

1. Elections for the positions of:
1.1. Chief researcher, Sector of investigations of neutron fundamental properties (SINFP) DNP, FLNP
Applicant: A. I. Frank
1.2. Researcher, SINFP DNP, FLNP
Applicant: L. V. Mitsyna
1.3. Head of the Group №1, Nuclear Safety Group, FLNP
Applicant: Yu. N. Pepelishev
1.4. Senior researcher, Group №1, Nuclear Safety Group, FLNP
Applicant: A. D. Rogov

"Neutron Generation in a Pulsed Laser-Plasma Diode with Magnetic Insulation"

A.E. Shikanov (NRNU MEPhI, Institute of Laser and Plasma Technologies)


The results of physical simulation of pulsed ion diodes with a laser-plasma anode and a magnetic system for suppressing the electron flow in its working volume are presented. Data on neutron generation in the diode are given. On the basis of the experimental data obtained, the principal possibility of generating neutron fluxes with an intensity of more than 1012 n/s is shown for the dimensions of the radiating tritium target not exceeding 0.1 m. The methods of electrodynamic and neutron measurements and the corresponding experimental equipment are described.

"Applications of Neutrons in Life Sciences"

Murugova T.N.


The presentation will review the possibilities of neutron scattering and neutron spectroscopy in studying the structural and dynamic properties of living systems. Examples of some experimental studies from such areas as biology, medicine and pharmacology, ecology, biotechnology will be given.

"Experimental Results from the STAR Experiment at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider"

Prof. Lokesh Kumar (Panjab University, Chandigarh, India)

The STAR experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory was built to study the properties of Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), a deconfined state of quarks and gluons, created in the relativistic nuclear collisions. Experimental study of these collisions has revealed the strongly coupled nature of QGP having low value of viscosity over entropy ratio and high vorticity. The investigation of Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) phase diagram is one of the primary goals of the Beam Energy Scan (BES) program at RHIC. These include the search for the location of QCD critical point and the first order phase transition between QGP and hadron gas. The BES phase-I was completed during 2010-2014 with the collection of data at center-of-mass energies covering 7.7, 11.5, 14.5, 19.6, 27, and 39 GeV giving many interesting results. In BES phase-II, the high statistics data was collected for low energies during 2018-2021. I will discuss the recent results from the beam energy scan program at STAR.


1. Elections for the positions of:
1.1. Deputy Head of Department, DNP, FLNP
Applicant: P. V. Sedyshev
1.2. Head of Sector, SINNI DNP, FLNP
Applicant: Yu. N. Kopach
1.3. Researcher, SINNI DNP, FLNP
Applicant: I. Chuprakov
1.4. Researcher, SINNI DNP, FLNP
Applicant: N. V. Rebrova
1.5. Researcher, DNICM DCMRD, FLNP
Applicant: I. Yu. Zel