There is no registration fee. The social expenses (coffee breaks, reception, workshop dinner) will be covered by organizers.
Accommodation and travel expenses are expected to be covered by the participants.
Organizers could help to arrange the accommodation under special reduced prizes.
We have also the limited funds for covering the accommodation and travel expenses. All participants are kindly invited to register until the deadline, Aug 13, 2023.

We congratulate him on his birthday and wish him great success, luck, good fortune and infinite happiness in life! May his favorite work always bring him joy and pleasure, and let every day be fruitful and interesting! Our sincere wishes for good health, cheerful mood, optimism, and well-being!

The Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics congratulates the FLNP Director Lychagin Egor Valerievich on the successful defense of his Sc.D. in the dissertation council on condensed matter physics (at FLNP).
We wish him further success and scientific achievements!


Recently, the leading scientific platform has published a list of the best scientists of the year 2023 in the field of environmental sciences, in which the employee of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of JINR ranks the 8th among the best scientists in Russia.