The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, together with the Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation, announces a competition selection in 2022 for personal scholarships named after Zh. I. Alferov for young scientists in the field of physics and nanotechnology. Registration of participants of the competition will be open from 12:00 AM 19 April to 2:00 PM 19 May, 2022. For registration and more details, please see:

Candidates for the competition are nominated by the Science and Technology Council or the Scientific Council of JINR. FLNP candidates should first be heard and recommended by STC FLNP. The next meeting of STC FLNP will be held on 29 April (Friday) 2022, at 3:00 PM in the Conference Hall of FLNP JINR (bldg. 119, 3rd floor).

From 25 to 29 April 2022, the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna will hold the International Conference “Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-2”.



We are happy to congratulate the senior researcher of our laboratory Vadim Sikolenko on the defense of his doctoral dissertation!

On January 26, 2022, the JINR Scientists' House hosted the solemn presentation of diplomas of doctors and candidates of sciences to applicants who successfully defended their dissertations in the Dissertation Councils at the FLNP and DLNP. The Chairman of the JINR Qualification Commission Victor A. Matveev participated in the awarding ceremony. Among the eight awarded diplomas, four are DNICM FLNP researchers. Two new Doctors of Sciences appeared in the Laboratory: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Tropin T.V. and doctor of technical science Kichanov S.E. Among the new certified candidates - Belozerova N.M. and Zhaketov V.D. The scope of scientific interests of employees is diverse: from nanocomposites, fullerenes, magnetic multilayer structures, and complex functional materials to the creation of techniques and methods for neutron radiography and tomography at the IBR-2 pulsed reactor. We congratulate the newly "baked" doctors and candidates of sciences and wish them further creative achievements in their chosen scientific areas.


In the photo: Doctor of Technical Sciences Sergey E. Kichanov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nadezhda M. Belozerova, Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council at the FLNP Tatyana I. Ivankina, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Timur V. Tropin, Chairman of the JINR Qualification Commission Academician Victor A. Matveev, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vladimir D. Zhaketov.

Prizes are awarded by sections:
1) scientific research works in nuclear physics;
2) scientific research works in condensed matter physics;
3) applied and scientific-methodical works;
4) other experimental works.
To take part in the competition, you have to send published works (annotations should be included just for the cycle of works) to the scientific secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) until10 am on January 25, 2022. The email must include the title of work or cycle of works in Russian and English as well as the names and surnames of all co-authors in Russian and English. The competition accepts works published or accepted for publication before December 31, 2021.