We invite you to take part in the Third International Workshop "Application of Nuclear Physics Methods for the Study of Cultural Heritage Objects", organized jointly by the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Laboratory of Neutron Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.

The meeting will be held on September 12-14, 2023 in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.

Registration and acceptance of abstracts is carried out on the conference website: https://indico.jinr.ru/e/cultural_heritage_research 


The first circular

We invite you to take part in the Conference “Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter Research” (RNIKS-2023) that will be held on 25-28 September, 2023 in Yekaterinburg.

The Conference follows the tradition of scientific meetings, at which almost all issues met using neutron scattering are discussed. For more than half a century, RNIKS has been the largest national platform for discussing the latest achievements in the theory of neutron radiation interaction with matter and neutron experiment techniques, the investigation of crystalline and magnetic structures, dynamic properties and elementary excitations in condensed matter, the research of biological systems and cultural heritage sites, fundamental research with neutrons.

Conference organizers:

NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, M.N. Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Institute of Reactor Materials JSC, Russian Neutron Diffraction Society, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


The scientific programme covers the following topics:


* Crystal structures and elementary excitations

* Magnetic structures and interactions

* Magnetism and polarized neutrons

* Highly correlated electronic systems

* Non-crystalline materials, polymers, liquids and biological systems

* Surfaces, thin films and multilayer structures

* Functional and structural materials, radiation materials science

* Applied research (energy, environment, geophysics, cultural heritage)

* Basic research with neutrons

* Neutron sources, devices and techniques of neutron experiment

* Neutron detectors

* Research techniques for matter complementary to neutron scattering.


Key dates:

Registration – until 15 May, 2023 (only via the registration form on the RNIKS-2023 website)

Submission of abstracts - until 31 May, 2023 (only through the personal account on the RNIKS-2023 website)

Notification of submitted papers; distribution of invitations – 15 June, 2023

Deadline for submission of papers (articles) – 1 August, 2023

Early payment of the registration fee (registration fee with a discount) – 1 September, 2023

Deadline for organizations to pay the registration fee is 1 September, 2023.

For more detailed information and to register for the Conference, please visit the Conference website: http://rniks2023.imp.uran.ru.

Questions on participation in the Conference can be sent to the address of the Organizing Committee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Together with the International Conference RNKS-2023, two satellite Conferences are scheduled:


III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists "Objectives and

methods of neutron research on condensed matter”.

Dates: 21-22 September, 2023;

Venue: IMP Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg.


V Youth Conference “Project DARIA: Compact neutron sources in Russia”.

Dates: 29 September, 2023;

Venue: IMP Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg.


Detailed information on these Conferences will be sent out additionally.

We invite you to take part in the Third International Conference “Condensed Matter Physics” (CMP-2023), dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Federal Government Budgetary Scientific Institution of Osipyan Institute of Solid State Physics RAS (ISSP RAS)

Main research areas of the Conference:

1. Physics of Defects;
2. Fullerenes and Carbon Structures;
3. Superconductivity;
4. Low-Dimensional Structures and Surface Physics;
5. Physical Materials Science.

Registration deadline is 15 April, 2023.
Detailed information can be found on the website Conferences


The FLNP Directorate and staff congratulate you on your election as FLNP Director! For many years, you have been successfully developing scientific research in the field of neutron nuclear physics and productively combined administrative, scientific and educational activities. We hope that under your directorship, the Laboratory will continue its work at the highest level in fulfilling new ambitious tasks.

We wish you strength and inexhaustible vital energy for the implementation of the outlined plans and success in all your endeavors!