A joint meeting of the JINR Scientific and Technical Council and the Directorate of the Institute took place on December 23.

During the meeting, awards were solemnly presented to the employees of our laboratory for significant achievements in science and many years of conscientious work:

The FLNP Director Valery Nikolaevich Shvetsov was awarded the medal "For impeccable work and distinction" III degree;
Chief Researcher Anatoly Mikhailovich Balagurov was awarded the honorary title "Honorary Worker of Science and High Technologies of the Russian Federation";
Deputy Director Culicov Otilia Ana was awarded the Commendation of the Governor of the Moscow Region;
Chief Engineer Aleksandr Vitalievich Vinogradov was awarded the distinction “Academician I.V. Kurchatov "3 degrees;
Chief Engineer of the Facility Andrey Vyacheslavovich Dolgikh was awarded the 2nd-degree distinction "For Contribution to the Development of the Nuclear Industry";

Congratulations on well-deserved awards!


During the meeting, JINR Director, RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov also mentioned our Laboratory research of biohybrid nano-complexes for the creation of new generation drug delivery systems as the most striking scientific results of 2021.


Congratulations to the FLNP Nuclear Physics Department researcher Aleksandr Nezvanov, on the award of the prize for young scientists and specialists for 2020-2021 in the nomination “Scientific and technical applied works”. We wish you continued success and the achievement of ambitious goals.


On December 7, seminars of our colleagues from the Russian Space Research Institute were held in our Laboratory. Mokrousov Maxim told about the devices he created for studying the neutron radiation of the upper atmosphere of the Earth, Mars, Moon, and Mercury. And Nikiforov Sergey presented the results of data processing of measurements of the neutron albedo of the surface of Mars and described the concept of a new device ADRON-RM for a similar experiment onboard the ESA Exomars rover. During the seminar, a lively discussion began about the possibilities and prospects of new tools and the analysis of the data obtained. Ideas for further fruitful cooperation were also discussed.






Congratulations to the winners of the Frank scholarship:


Nagorna Tetiana - in the "Physics of Condensed Matter" section

Zakharov Maxim - in the "Neutron nuclear Physics" section

Podlesny Maxim - in the "Development of basic facilities" section




Nezvanov Alexander and Zel Ivan - in the "Scientific and methodological developments for neutron research" section



The jury members congratulate all the laureates on their well-deserved victory and wish them further scientific success!

Participants applied for Frank and Shapiro scholarships, AYSS grants as well as presented reports on AYSS grants received last year. Thanks to the online format, a record number of FLNP employees took part in the conference, 54 reports were presented in all sections.

The contribution of young scientists, as noted by Alexander Ilyich Frank, largely reflects the activities of the entire Laboratory. The FLNP Young Scientists Conference, although not conceived as such, presented the final annual snapshot of the activity of all groups. And most importantly, the deputy director Yegor V. Lychagin confirmed, at this conference, we have a unique opportunity to listen not only to researchers but also to engineers who designed and developed our instruments. The FLNP Directorate and the jury members warmly thanked the conference participants for their hard work and the high level of the reports presented.