Due to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia #231 of 3 April 2018 “On awarding the Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for 2018 – 2020 to young scientists and post-graduate students conducting promising scientific research on modernization of the Russian economy”, a scholarship of RF President for three years was granted to a Junior Researcher of the FLNP Zhaketov Vladimir Dmitrievich.

The staff of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics heartily congratulates Vladimir Zhaketov on winning such a prestigious scholarship competition!



A FLNP competition of scientific and scientific-methodical papers is announced on the following sections:

• a competition of scientific papers on physics of atomic nuclei;
• a competition of scientific papers on condensed matter physics;
• a competition of applied and methodical papers.

To participate in the competition one should by 7 March, 2018 submit to the scientific secretary (lab. building, room №76) the published papers in two copies and, in addition, annotations in duplicate for the cycles of the work.
The papers already published or approved for publication by 31 December, 2017 are to be accepted for the competition.

There should be indicated on the folder:
• The name of the paper or the cycle of the work in Russian and in English
• Name and surname of all the co-authors (full name) in Russian and in English

Dear colleagues,

Please note that for technical reasons, starting from the 2nd cycle (06.02.2018) the reactor will operate at an approximate power of 1820-1830 MW.