FLNP Directorate and colleagues heartily congratulate Viktor Aksenov on his jubilee and wish him sound health, peace and prosperity, strength to resist difficulties and patience, physical and spiritual strength, much happiness and the brightest colors in life, inexhaustible energy, inspiration and longevity in life and work, good spirits and eternal youth of his heart.

Your high level of proficiency, sense of purpose and ambitiousness, brilliant human and professional qualities have always been aimed at achievement of high results. And you are now on a most fruitful stage of life, at the time when your rich experience is in harmony with your wisdom and knowledge of life, wherein much has already been achieved and the future is full of new ideas and plans. So, let from now onwards all your most daring projects and plans will be realized to the best advantage!

May reliable friends always accompany you, and may the love and support of your family will give you strength for new achievements and successes in all future endeavours! Let the work you give to all your spiritual powers, experience and knowledges will inspire new professional fulfillments and let it bring expected results, comfort and enjoyment to you!

In Troitsk a street will be named after the Academician I.M. Frank.  This is a new street on the territory of the business-park “Aspirant” with a length of more than 600 meters. It will be the continuation of the already existing street named after the Academician P.A. Cherenkov, I.M. Frank’s colleague. Next to these streets there are the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS) and the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAS). Both I.M. Frank and P.A. Cherenkov worked in these institutes in different years.

On January 11, 2017, Vice-Rector of Kazan Federal University, Dmitry Tayursky, and Director of the Institute of Physics, Sergey Nikitin, visited FLNP. The aim of their visit was the discussion of the idea of creation of JINR-based department in Kazan Federal University. FLNP is the first JINR Laboratory, which will participate in the creation and work of the new Department.

On 27 April 2017, two delegations visited FLNP: the delegation of the Republic of Paraguay headed by the Executive Secretary of the National Radiological and Nuclear Regulatory Authority Mr. Cesar Jose CARDOZO ROMAN and the delegation of Bolivia headed by Minister of Energy Mr. Rafael ALARCON ORIHUELA. The members of the delegations met with the FLNP Directorate and discussed their prospects of the further cooperation, as well as got acquainted with the spectrometers complex on the IBR-2 reactor.

On 20 January 2017, delegations of Bolivia and representatives of the JSC “Rosatom Overseas Ink” visited FLNP.  The Bolivian delegation was composed of Vice-Minister for energy and alternative sources of energy Joaquín Rodríguez and officials of the Ministry. The delegation of “Rosatom Overseas Ink” was headed by President of the company Evgeny Pakermanov. delegation visited IBR-2 reactor, where members of the FLNP directorate told them about research conducted at the IBR-2 instruments.