Dear colleagues,
The jubilee edition of the newspaper can be found at:

The 8th International School for Young Scientist and Students «Instruments and Methods of Experimental Nuclear Physics» organized by FLNP started on 7 November 2017. The school is aimed at young researchers, postgraduates and senior students of scientific centres and institutes of Russia and the CIS countries.
The School covers the following topics: neutron sources, neutron detectors, spectrometers, sample environment systems, electronics of detectors and data acquisition electronics, automation of experiments at spectrometers, software of spectrometers.
The scientific programme of the School includes lectures on the current state of electronics and software of neutron spectrometers, instruments and methods of neutron physics experiments and practical trainings. Excursion to the main laboratory facilities will be held in the frames of the School.

On the International Conference on Neutron Scattering 2017 (ICNS2017) held in Daejeon, Republic of Korea from 9 to 13 July 2017 a general overview of FLNP facilities as well as the results achieved in hard and soft condensed matter research utilizing various elastic and inelastic neutron scattering techniques were presented. The outreach in public relations was enforced through the gold sponsorship of JINR.


On July 18-19 the participants of ICP-2013 visited IBR-2 reactor ( installations GRAINS, HRFD, REGATA, Irradiation Facility).


With great sadness we share with all,   who has known László Cser, that he passed away at his age of 81 on Saturday, July 15, 2017.