On December 2, the Dissertation Council for Condensed Matter Physics JINR. 04.01.2019.P for the defense of dissertations for PhD and Doctor of Science degrees in specialties: 01.04.01 – Instrumentation and Methods of Experimental Physics and 01.04.07 – Condensed Matter Physics, held its first meeting. The Council is comprised of leading scientists in the field of condensed matter physics and neutron research methods from FLNP, FLNR and BLTP. This was the first defense of a dissertation in JINR, held after the Institute was granted the right to award scientific degrees independently and organize new dissertation councils. In his opening speech, the Chairman of the Council Academician B.Yu.Sharkov addressed the members of the Dissertation Council under FLNP with welcoming words and wishes for successful and fruitful work from JINR Director Academician V.A.Matveev. At the first meeting, Tsolmon Tsogtsaikhan, a researcher from the Nuclear Safety Group, presented and successfully defended his thesis “Research of random disturbances in the reactivity of the IBR-2M reactor” for the degree of Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics.


FLNP Directorate congratulates all participants of this event on the successful start of the Council’s work!

The Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics congratulates the researcher of the nuclear safety group Tsolmon Tsogtsaikhan on the successful defense of his Ph.D. Tsolmon became the first candidate of sciences received his degree from the new dissertation council on condensed matter physics (at FLNP).
We wish him further success and scientific achievements!

The collective body of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics warmly congratulates the Chief Scientific Adviser of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Corresponding Member of RAS, Professor Victor L. Aksenov on awarding the Order of Alexander Nevsky!

The award ceremony took place in Moscow in the A.P.Alexandrov Scientists’ Club of NRC “Kurchatov Institute” on April 16, 2019.


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November 9, 2019 marks 95 years of the patriarch of the Laboratory, an outstanding scientist and a wonderful person - Lev Borisovich Pickelner. The Laboratory staff, directorate, friends and colleagues sincerely congratulate Lev Borisovich on this date, wish him health and long life!


The Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics congratulates the Deputy Director for scientific work Kucerka Norbert on winning RSF grant and wishes him achievement of assigned tasks