"Multi-purpose fast research reactor MBIR with sodium coolant. Technical characteristics of the reactor. Experimental possibilities inside and outside the core."

D.A. Klinov

The report presents the main technical characteristics and parameters of the reactor. Design-basis mode of operation and experimental possibilities. Results of mathematical modeling of horizontal channels for solving problems of neutron and neutron-capture therapy.

"Data analysis and peculiarities of CAEN N6730 digitizers for thermal neutron detectors"

E. I. Litvinenko

The results of the data analysis from thermal neutron detectors registered using CAEN N6730 multichannel pulse shape analyzer (digitizer) are presented in the paper. The measurements have been carried out using a laboratory neutron source, as well as on the experimental beams of the IBR-2 reactor (FLNP JINR, Dubna) and IR-8 (NRC KI, Moscow). Several types of resistive tubes and a scintillation detector have been used as neutron detectors. Some peculiarities of the N6730 digitizer in terms of signal registration are revealed. A quantitative criterion for determining the limits of applicability of CAEN N6730 digitizers for different types of detectors is proposed in the paper.

"New Tracking Detectors Based on Scintillating Fibers (SciFi) and Their Application in High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Medicine"

A.G. Malinin


Scintillating tracking detectors based on regular arrays of thin scintillating fibers (SciFi), recently developed for experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, offer a unique combination of high count rate, high spatial resolution and detection efficiency. Being a direct competitor to silicon microstrip and pixel detectors, they have a number of significant advantages. The license-clear technology for their production, developed with the participation of Russian institutes, as well as their mass production on the territory of the Kurchatov Institute within the framework of the upgrade of the LHCb experiment, give hope for the widespread use of domestic SciFi detectors in planned experiments in high-energy physics, astrophysics and applied research areas, such as medicine, security systems and industrial tomography. A number of concrete new projects using SciFi detectors will also be considered.

1. Elections for STC Chairman and Scientific Secretary of DSC FLNP.
2. Miscellaneous.

"Storage ring and source ofcold and very cold neutrons"

Nikitenko Yu.V. (FLNP, JINR)


A scheme of a mirror storage ring for cold and very cold neutrons has been proposed. Ratios to calculate the parameters of the storage ring, the flux density and neutron confinement time in the storage ring have been obtained. As it is shown, the gain factors of the flux density and neutron confinement time in the storage ring can reach and even exceed 100. The experimental capabilities of developing a storage ring and its use in physics research have been considered. A scheme of a pulsed neutron beam source has been proposed.