1. Discussion of the Regulations for the STC of DSC FLNP
2. Presentation of the renewed membership of the STC of DSC FLNP by Head of DSC FLNP (V. I. Bodnarchuk)

"Development of crystallographic textures at high pressures"

Roman N. Vasin (FLNP JINR)


 The investigations of crystallographic textures - the preferential orientations of grains composing a polycrystal at high pressures using the synchrotron radiation diffraction with the use of a diamond anvil cell in radial geometry (rDAC) are presented in the report. The peculiarities of development of the texture during plastic strain deformations, structural phase transitions with a choice of options, as well as the resulting limitations on the yield strength of materials are considered using the example of some alloys (Fe-Si, Ni3Al), cement components and others.

"Features of the dynamics of pulsed reactors, the effect of coolant flow"


The pulsed nature of energy release in reactors creates specific reactivity effects. In addition to the already known features of pulsed reactors (the inevitability of power fluctuations with a frequency equal to half the pulse repetition frequency, positive feedback from external periodic fluctuations in reactivity, the effect of dynamic bending of fuel elements), discussion is given to the phenomenon of periodic fluctuations in the coolant temperature (and, accordingly, in reactivity), the frequency of which depends on the coolant flow rate. An estimate of the amplitude of fluctuations for the reactors at FLNP JINR is presented.


1. Report of FLNP Director on the formation of FLNP STC
2. Elections for the positions of:
2.1 Group leader, SNAAAR DNP FLNP.
Applicant: D. S. Grozdov.
2.2 Senior researcher, DNICM DCMRD FLNP.
Applicant: E. V. Racksha.
2.3 Senior researcher, DNICM DCMRD FLNP.
Applicant: A. B. Eresko.
2.4 Researcher, DNICM DCMRD FLNP.
Applicant: O. E. Chepurchenko.
2.5 Researcher, SNSCM FLNP.
Applicant: A. E. Verkhoglyadov.
2.6 Junior esearcher, DNICM DCMRD FLNP.
Applicant: B. A. Abdurahimov.

All interested employees are welcome

"Boron-containing plastic composites as neutron shielding material for additive manufacturing processes"
Tarnavich V.V., Chetverikov Yu.O. (National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute»-PNPI)

In this study, samples of neutron shielding based on plastic composite materials with boron-containing powder with a relative mass fraction of 25-37%, manufactured using the FDM method (layer-by-layer deposition of polymer) are investigated. ABS and PETG plastics are used as matrix materials, while boron-containing fillers are powders of boron nitride and amorphous boron.
According to the results of neutron transmission measurements on the monochromatic beam of the IR-8 reactor, the introduction of boron into plastic makes it possible to reduce the neutron penetration depth by a factor of 2.3-4.6: from 3.0 mm for a plastic sample without boron, to 0.65 mm for a sample with amorphous boron powder.
Mechanical tensile and bending tests demonstrate the embrittlement of composite materials upon the introduction of boron-containing powders. In tests of the samples with boron, the strength decreases by 40-55%, and the destruction of the samples occurs without plastic deformation, whereas in the samples of ABS and PETG plastics, the areas of plastic deformations in the test diagrams occupy a significant part.