Scholarship applicants are supposed to submit applications to the FLNP Scientific Secretary (room 76 of the FLNP laboratory building), as well as to attach a list of publications for the last 5 years and an abstract in Russian (1-2 pages) reflecting personal contribution to these publications.  The deadline is November 23 (10:00). The abstract must indicate the section for which the application is submitted.  A recommendation of the group or sector leader should be attached to the documents as well.  All documents should also be sent by email to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


   5 Frank scholarships are awarded annually in the following fields of research:

 - Study of properties of the condensed matter by neutron scattering methods;

  - Neutron nuclear physics;

  - Scientific and methodological developments for neutron research;

  - Development of basic facilities.


  3 Shapiro scholarships are awarded annually in the following fields of research:

 - Physics of ultracold neutrons;

 - Polarized neutrons;

 - Neutron spectroscopy;

 - Methodological support of experiments in neutron physics.


A scholarship is awarded for one year.  The age of the scholarship holder should not exceed 35 years (as of December 31 of the current year).  The size of the scholarship and the number of scholarships for each of the sections can be revised by a joint decision of the FLNP Directorate and the jury.  The scholarship is not awarded to the same person for two consecutive years.

The book is based on the lectures, given by the authors at the Physics Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Neutronography chair). A brief description of the theoretical methods, based on the two-time correlation functions and their extensions, is given. These methods are further applied to study the basic models of theory of the collective excitations in crystals and simple liquids. The actual topics of the physics of soft matter, where theoretical methods of the physics of condensed state play a major role, are considered.



Today marks the 112th anniversary of the birth of the Nobel Prize laureate in physics, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Ilya M. Frank. He made a huge contribution to the development of several areas of theoretical and experimental physics. Being the organizer of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics in JINR, together with F.L. Shapiro, he suggested and outlined the directions for its future research program and supervised the development and construction of the LNP basic facilities – IBR, IBR-30 and IBR-2 reactors.

On the birthday of Ilya Mikhailovich, the FLNP Director V.N. Shvetsov laid flowers at his monument.



T.I. Ivankina, Scientific Secretary of CMR@IBR-2


The International Conference "Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-2 Reactor" was organized and held from October 12 to 16, 2020 by the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. Due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Conference was moved online and conducted in the video conference format.



The videoconference helped bring together more than 200 scientists from 27 countries from almost all continents from Australia to South America around their monitors. Holding the Conference online, on the one hand, had disadvantages because of the lack of live communication, but on the other hand, it made it possible to significantly increase the total number and geography of its participants. In addition to the traditional participation of researchers from countries that have been actively cooperating with JINR for many years – Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Moldova, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Germany, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, the geography of participants has significantly expanded to include researchers from Argentina, Australia, India, Jordan, Spain, China, Sweden, South Korea and other countries.

The aim of the already traditional conferences on condensed matter research at the IBR-2 reactor is to discuss the obtained experimental results, promising areas of research and development of experimental instruments at the IBR-2 reactor.

During 5 days of the Conference, the participants presented more than 60 plenary reports and 85 posters. The Organizing Committee of the Conference managed to attract a number of world-famous specialists in the field of condensed matter physics, chemistry, biophysics, materials science, engineering and Earth sciences, which determined the high scientific level of reports and a wide variety of research areas in interdisciplinary natural sciences. The thematic reports were also devoted to the improvement of neutron scattering techniques, the development of setups for neutron investigations and their components, including neutron detectors.



At the Conference, special attention was paid to the concept of a new neutron source at FLNP JINR, which will replace the IBR-2 reactor upon the expiration of its service life within the next 20 years. Information was presented on the current progress in developing the concept of a new neutron source and a long-term work plan for 15 years.

The participants of the Conference noted the high level of organization of the event, its fruitful nature and the fact that it contributed to attracting both representatives of the international neutron community and specialists from various fields of knowledge to the implementation of the scientific research program at the IBR-2 reactor, discussion of promising scientific directions, and development of research infrastructure.




The Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics congratulates the senior researcher of the REMUR group, sector of neutron optics DNICM, DCMRD, Kozhevnikov Sergey on the successful defense of his Sc.D. in the dissertation council on condensed matter physics (at FLNP).
We wish him further success and scientific achievements!