Dear colleagues!

The JINR University Center announces the opening of a new ONLINE student program - International Remote Student Training (INTEREST).

The program will function all year round and will be carried out in stages, which are called Waves.  Each Wave will last 4-6 weeks.  The launch of Wave 1 is scheduled for October 5, 2020.

INTEREST is for students (from second-year students to graduate students) from all over the world, specializing in natural sciences, engineering and IT.


Program website:


We invite JINR employees to take part in the program as project leaders.

Projects for Wave 1 are accepted until September 7.  After this date, it will be possible to create a project and publish it in subsequent Waves.  In the appendix you will find instructions on how to create a project.


The deadlines for the stages of Wave 1 and already published projects are posted here:

Dear colleagues, online applications for foreign language courses at the JINR University Center continue to be submitted!


If you would like to start or continue courses in 2020/2021, you need to submit an application using the following link

After submitting an application, please read the important information

UC foreign language courses page


Registration for courses this year will be via UC, and not by registering at the Scientific Secretary!  Guarantee letters will be issued based on the acceptance of candidates from UC!


P.S.  Please, do not forget that you need the approval of the head of your department to attend the courses!

On June 23, the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics held a Memorial Seminar devoted to the 60th anniversary of the start-up of the IBR reactor. The Seminar was held both in the FLNP Conference Hall and in a video-conference format.

The Seminar was opened with a short historical review delivered by FLNP Director V.N. Shvetsov. He also conveyed greetings from the Bulgarian colleagues, cooperation with whom has been continuing for many years. Professor P. Petrov, Director of the Institute of Electronics, BAS, congratulated the FLNP employees on the glorious date and wished them new remarkable scientific achievements.

On June 23, 1960, exactly 60 years ago, the first FLNP pulsed reactor reached pulsed criticality, about which a corresponding historical note was made in the Laboratory’s logbook and evidenced by the signatures of all participants in the power start-up. The IBR started a dynasty of pulsed reactors at JINR, later continued by IBR-30 and IBR-2. Next, Yu.N. Pepelyshev presented the concept of a pulsed reactor, further developing the ideas embodied in the IBR-2 (co-authors A.V. Vinogradov, A.D. Rogov, S.F. Sidorkin). The authors assume that it will be possible to minimize the amount of design and development work and use previous successful developments and solutions. The main difference from the IBR-2 reactor is that the units of the reactor control and safety system will be moved inside the core, as is done in the BOR-60, MBIR and BN-600 reactors. This will make it possible to place neutron moderators maximally close to the reactor vessel and improve the level of protection. Also, among the advantages of the project is the possibility of using the reactivity module developed for the modernized IBR-2 reactor and part of its spectrometers.

The report raised many questions, which resulted in discussions in the Conference Hall and on the Internet. V.N. Shvetsov, thanking the speaker, noted that this speech does not mean that the FLNP has not chosen a project for a new neutron source.



A competition of scientific works for the JINR prize for 2020 is announced in the following sections:

  • "Scientific research theoretical work",
  • "Scientific research experimental work",
  • "Scientific-methodical and scientific-technical work",
  • "Scientific and technical applied work".


To participate in the competition, it is necessary until September 15, 2020 to submit to the reception of the scientific secretary (FLNP laboratory building, room 76) published works in duplicate, as well as to send the works in electronic form to the scientific secretary: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


It should be indicated on the folder:

  • Title of work or cycle of works in Russian and English
  • Section of the competition
  • Surname and name of all authors (in full) in Russian and English


The surnames and names of all authors (in full) in Russian and English and the name of the work or cycle of works must also be sent to the addresses: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Russian Science Foundation and the National Natural Science Foundation of China start accepting applications for the first joint competition of scientific projects.

Investigations of international scientific teams in all fields of knowledge from the Foundation's classifier can take part in the competition.

Applications for projects must be submitted in parallel to the RSF (by the Russian team) and to NSFC (by the Chinese team) in accordance with the rules of each fund.

Expertise of projects will be carried out both from the Russian and Chinese sides independently of each other.  Only those teams that will be able to get a positive assessment from experts from both countries will be able to count on funding.

The leader of the Russian research team can, in addition to the implementation of the project, simultaneously supervise one project of the Foundation and participate in one project of the Foundation as an executor.

The size of one grant from the Russian Science Foundation will be from 4 to 6 million rubles annually, and the three-year research projects themselves are planned for implementation in 2021–2023.

Applications for participation are accepted until July 31, 2020, the results of the competition will be announced in December this year.

Detailed information about the competition and the requirements for participants are presented in the "Competitions" section of the official website of the Russian Science Foundation.



The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) is the largest fund for basic research in PRC.  In 2018, NSFC awarded 44,504 new grants to over 1,500 organizations for the research to be carried out by individual scientists and research teams.