1. Level (Type) of work: Master/PhD thesis


2. Topic: Design of 3He in 4He solution cryostat cooled by closed cycle pulse tube cryocooler CRYOMECH PT403.


3. Work objective: Development of the first in Russia 3He in 4He solution cryostat cooled by closed cycle pulse tube cryocooler


4. Short description: The development belongs to cryogen-free technologies, i.e. obtaining of low temperatures without using liquid nitrogen and helium. The available equipment: analogous cryocoolers by CRYOMECH Company, vacuum cryostat, necessary vacuum equipment by VARIAN Company, control and measurement of temperature, compressor by LEYBOLD Company.


Applications for obtaining specialized controlling and measuring equipment by LAKESHORE Company have been submitted.


The work is carried out in the cryogenic research group of FLNP JINR (www.cryogenics.su). The photo presents the future refrigerator on a cryostand in FLNP.


Applications of 3He in 4He solution refrigerators


· In engineering:

    • to cool high-sensitive infrared radiation detectors;
    • for thermostating superconducting quantum-mechanical magnetometers.


· In nanotechnologies:


· In science:

  • used for investigations in the field of:
  • nuclear physics;
  • ultralow-temperature detectors;
  • semiconductors;
  • superconductivity;
  • ultracold neutrons.
  • to cool radio-telescopes.


5. Required skills and knowledge: Education: physical & engineering, specialization in cryogenics and low temperatures.


6. Minimum required time: 4 years


7. Supervisors: Chernikov Alexander Nickolaevich


8. Contact phone number and e-mail:

8-49621-62769 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.